Apple had recently invited its users to a virtual launching event welcoming 5G models along with iPhone 12. In the midst of this COVID-19 outbreak, Apple has asked the production team to produce nearly 75 Million 5G iPhones that were launched yesterday during the live event at the Cupertino campus in the United States. Along with these next-generation iPhones, Apple launched four models with functionalities like never before. The new models, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max have been launched with 5G wireless speed, diverse screen sizes and changed designs with square edges.
What’s New?
For the very first time in history, Apple has launched two basic and two high-end iPhone 12 models. The two basic models have been launched in 5.4-inch (iPhone Mini) and 6.1-inch (iPhone 12) display sizes. The high-end models have been launched in 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch display sizes; the largest screen size Apple has launched within an iPhone. All the models will include OLED displays for better color and clarity for users. iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max include a LIDAR camera for better understanding of the surrounding through the augmented-reality applications. The giant tech has stepped up further than rivals when it comes to the camera. All phones contain Deep Fusion and Night Mode wide camera with f/1.6 aperture and build-in Smart HDR 3 that adjusts the light according to the surrounding light. The basic models include the color options of Blue, Red, Green, White and Black. On the other hand, the high-end models will be seen in pacific blue, gold, graphite and silver color options.
Pricing and Purchasing
• iPhone 12 Mini – $1,199
• iPhone 12 – $1,349
• iPhone 12 Pro – $1,699
• iPhone 12 Pro Max – $1,849
If you decide to purchase the phones, the basic models will be shipped soon than the pro high-end models. The shipment will mostly take place a few weeks later than when the last year’s models started shipping back on September 20. The high-end models will be released on October 23 and the lower models will be released on November 13 in Australia.
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